*JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Foreign Researchers [#q67c605c]
 **Web resources [#w3c085ee]
 -Application Guidelines in Japanese:(in Japanese) :http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/j-fellow_14/h24/03_pd_yoko_h24.html
 --Application forms: http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/j-fellow_14/h24/07_download_h24.html
 --Example of the first page of electric submission which should be printed and attached to the other forms: http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/j-fellow_14/h24/data/jouhou_gaitoku.pdf
 --Notes on application for FY2012: http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/j-fellow_14/h24/08_chui14_h24.html
 --Remarks on preparing application forms: http://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/j-fellow_14/data/point_h24.pdf
 -Application Guidelines in English: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/fy2012/appli_long_2012.html
 **Application for 2012-2013 [#td577a09]
 --1. The host researcher requests ID and Password for electric submission.
 --2. The applicant and host researcher prepare application forms (proposal)
 --3. The host researcher submits the application forms (1 copy) to the office of Graduate School of Science~
 This will be reviewed by staffs of the section of Foreign Affair
 --4.  The host researcher submits the final application forms via web page to JSPS, and hard copy documents (1 original and 7 copies) to the office of Graduate School of Science.
 ***Important Deadlines [#f19d314c]
 -Deadline for submitting application forms in ''Graduate School of Science, Chiba University''
 --1st Recruitment: ''16 August 2011'' (documents will be transferred to JSPS for 29 August 2011 - 2 September 2011)
 --2nd Recruitment: ''20 April 2012'' (documents will be transferred to JSPS for 7-11 May 2012)
 ***Procedure to do electronic submission [#z49ef9a9]
 -Get ID and password (*done*)
 --Request: Host researcher -> Faculty office -> Section of Foreign Affairs
 --Required items
 ---Name of the applicant
 ---e-mail address of the applicant
 ---Telephone number of the host researcher
 -Download application forms from JSPS webpage
 -Submit the application form (1 hard copy of FORM1 and FORM2) to the Section of Foreign Affairs via the host researcher, ''at least 2 - 3 days before the submission''~
 -The application forms are reviewed by the Section of Foreign Affair.
 -Final submission of the application forms (electric submission and hard copies to the office of the Graduate School of Science) will be done, perhaps, around 23rd Aug.
 --Hard copy documents to be submitted to the office~
 Original: 1~
 Copies: 7
 **Things should be prepared by the applicant ASAP [#cadee09b]
 -1. Documents:
 --a) Please download the FORM 2 from http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/fy2012/app_form_long_2012.html, and fill in F1 - F3 and F6 as soon as possible and send them to me.  The information you put in the pages are necessary for me to prepare the FORM1 (in Japanese).
 --b) The last page (F6) of FORM2 should be signed by yourself.  
 --b) The last two pages (F5 and F6) of FORM2 in bot side printing should be signed by yourself.  
 --c) Please ask your current or previous supervisor to write a letter of reference/recommendation. 
 ---The letter should be addressed to me.
 ---The letter should be with signature.
 ---The letter should be within 2 pieces of papers, which means that maximum 4 pages can be used if they are printed in both sides.  
 --''*** IMPORTANT **''~
 The item (b) and (c) should be with signature.  Electronic images of signature is not accepted, so that these documents should be sent by postal mail and reach to me before 16 Aug.  
 -2. Communication by Skype~
 I need to write about our previous communications in the FORM1.  Video (skype) communication will be fine.  
 Can you find some time to talk with me tomorrow night (Japanese time: PM 21:00 - 24:00 of 5th Aug) or the morning of the following day (Japanese time: AM 8:00 - 11:00, 6th Aug.)?
 My skype ID is cajasita.
 **Out of office (Kajita)[#nb3210cb]
 -18 - 22 Aug. 2011: Kyushu University, Fukuoka. Legume Workshop
 -29 - 31 Aug. 2011: Nikko Botanical Garden. Field practice.
 -5 - 9 Sept. 2011: Lieden, Herbarium