開 講 通 知 (平成26年度後期集中授業)

科目名: 系統解析論
対 象: 地球生命圏科学専攻・博士後期課程
科目名: 系統解析論
開講日:2015年 1月9(金), 14(水)、 15日(木), 16日(金)
場 所: 自然科学1号館4階セミナー室
担 当: 梶田 忠・高山浩司(東京大学総合研究博物館)
時 間: 下記の通り
   1月 9日(金) 10:00-(午前・午後) :
   1月 14日(水) 10:00-(午前・午後) :
   1月 15日(木) 10:00-(午前・午後)  :
   1月 16日(金) 10:00-(午前・午後) :

※授業では実際にノートパソコンを操作します。 受講者は無線LANに接続可能なノートパソコンを授業に持参してください。
※連絡先 梶田(内線2818, tkaji@faculty.chiba-u.jp)
高山 (takayama@um.u-tokyo.ac.jp)
ウェブページ http://bean.bio.chiba-u.jp/lab/ 「授業/H26/系統解析論」






Announcement for the Kajita's part of the classes on 9th and 16th Jan., 2015

Welcome to the Advanced class for Phylogenetics. I’m Tadashi Kajita who is incharge of the classes on 9th and 16th January 2015. My part of the class is to give you ideas about fundamental methodologies and methods to proceed to advanced phylogenetic analyses. This explanation already includes words with opposite meanings : “fundamental” - “advanced”. This is because, the more the methods you need is “Advanced”, the more “fundamental” (in other word, “primitive”) methods are required, and for the beginners of phylogenetics, those fundamental (or primitive) methods hasn’t been instructed very well. Good examples are the new softwares for phylogenetics. Those who develop new software mostly use unix (or linux) environment, and may not want to develop sophisticated GUI (graphical user interface), and simply provide native “command line interface (CLI)” of unix environment, because developing GUI will require extra works. The use of CLI is very fundamental and primitive skill in computer world, but may not be very popular for general students. So, many students have difficulty in phylogenetic analyses, when they are required to input some commands through CLI to run a analysis.

In this class, I will give you some lectures on fundamental methods in phylogenetics, but I will not give you a “ready-made protocol” to solve specific questions. “Ready-made protocol” is easy to study, but the application may be restricted only to specific matters. You will face a lot different kinds of questions in your study, and you need to think about different methods by yourself to solve them. So, I believe, skills to “think ways” to solve questions are important. In this class, I will help you to learn and think the ways to solve questions through group discussion and lectures. I wish you would enjoy the process of learning and thinking ways to solve your questions.


  • 1. Please bring your own PC that can be connected to internet by Wifi.
  • 2. The class is basically performed in English only, but this initial e-mail is given in Japanese and English, because the majority of students may be Japanese. I recommend all participants to use English throughout the class, but Japanese is acceptable for those who have difficulty to speak English.
  • 3. The class is for four days and I am in charge of the 1st and last day lecture. In my classes, you will study the fundamental methods and methodologies that are required to perform advanced phylogenetic analyses.
  • 4. In the class, we share information among participants, and form appropriate groups according to your interests. Each group will make their own mini-project in my class for two days, and work on it in collaboration with group members. Active learning activities by group discussion is necesary.
  • 5. Brief schedule for the two day lecture is as followings:
    • 9th Jan.
      • Introduction of the lecture
      • Self introduction by participants: study subject and experiences in Phylogenetic Analyses. Share their expectations to the class.
      • Group discussion on mini-project (which may be solved by one-week study)
      • Lectures and discussion on basic methods that are required for mini projects
      • Group activities for their mini-project: I will give advised to each groups
      • Reports by groups: Activity report of today, and plan for one week
    • 16th Jan.
      • Report by groups: Activity report on the week. Problems and questions. Discussion on solution by all participants. Plan for the class activity
      • Lectures and discussion on new methods to solve the questions/problems
      • Group activities for their mini-project: I will give advised to each groups
      • Final reports by groups: Activity report, and plan for their studies

Participants will share mealtime information by Google Drive. If you have Google account, it will be shared with Editor privilege using linked document informed by mail.

Assignment (until the first class)

Input your own data in the shared Google Document under your name. Items required input are following. Please see the example in the document.

  • Introduction:
  • Molecular methods:
  • Analyses experienced:
  • Experience of Microsatellite analysis:
  • Experience of Next Generation Sequencing:
  • Type of PC used in the class:




  • 1月9日:
    • 授業概要説明
    • 自己紹介: 研究テーマと自分が経験した系統解析関連手法。各自が授業で学習したい内容を全員で共有
    • グループ作成とテーマ設定: 授業で取り組むテーマとグループを設定(一週間分の活動で解決可能なテーマ)。手順を確認
    • 基盤技術についての講義とディスカッション: 各テーマについて、共通する基盤技術を講義。受講者全員でディスカッション
    • 各テーマについて、グループ毎に作業開始: 教員が必要に応じて助言
    • 各課題についての、1週間分の実施計画をグループ毎に発表
  • 1月16日:
    • 各グループ毎に、課題の進捗状況と問題点を発表、受講者全員でディスカッション。当日の授業時間内で学ぶ手法を確認
    • 新たに生じた問題点解決のための手法について、講義とディスカッション
    • 各テーマについて、グループ毎に作業開始: 教員が必要に応じて助言
    • 各課題についての、1週間分の実施計画をグループ毎に発表

受講者の皆さんとの情報共有は、授業ウェブページや、Google Driveのドキュメントを介して行います。リアルタイムで情報共有するためのドキュメントは、メールでお知らせ済です。


1月9日授業では、受講者の皆さんに、研究テーマと自分が経験した系統解析関連手法、自分が授業で学習したい内容を簡単に説明してもらいます。そこで、上記Google Documentの各自の項目のところに記入をお願いします。英語での記入を推奨します。

  • Introduction:
  • Molecular methods:
  • Analyses experienced:
  • Experience of Microsatellite analysis:
  • Experience of Next Generation Sequencing:
  • Type of PC used in the class:

Last-modified: 2015-05-13 (水) 16:46:26 (3449d)