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Alison Kim Shan Wee博士の熱生研セミナー

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西表研究施設に来ているAlison Kim Shan Wee博士が、熱生研セミナーで発表されました。参加した学部学生も5名との間で、大変活発な質疑応答が行われました。

-演題 Title:Mangroves in a changing world: Insights from population  genetics and ecological genomics
-演者 Speaker:Alison KS Wee, PhD(琉球大学外国人研究員[熱生研西表研究施設]; 広西大学林学院  植物生理生態・進化学研究室 副教授
-日時 Date and Time:2016年12月19日(月)15:00 ~ 16:00
-場所 Place:熱帯生物圏研究センター分子生命科学研究施設 講義室
Climate is a potent selective force in natural populations: when faced  with climate change, organisms either migrate, adapt or go extinct.  Mangroves are one of the few plant communities that are likely to  migrate fast enough to track the rapidly changing climate. However, as  potential mangrove habitat becomes less available, adaptation to  climatic extremes may play an increasingly important role in species  survival. Mangrove species have survived past climate change via rapid  expansion and contraction in distribution range, which also resulted in  genetic erosion. Therefore, the adaptive potential of mangrove  populations under current anthropogenically-driven climate change  remains unknown. This presentation first outlines findings from past  research on population genetics of mangroves from the Indo-West Pacific,  then explores the adaptation and phenotypic plasticity of mangroves to  drought, salinity and extreme cold events.
H28-4 TBRC Seminar by Dr Alison KS Wee.pdf